The purpose of this handbook is to provide basic information to volunteers and activists who would like to know more about the issues surrounding the arms trade and possibly campaign on the subject. We consider the global arms trade to be the main cause of human suffering and misery in a large part of the world.
This handbook is the result of an initiative of volunteers who met at a peace camp in Kaprálův mlýn in the Czech Republic at the beginning of this year. The camp lasted for a week and three organizations participated in it: the Czech NESEHNUTÍ, the Slovak Institute of Human Rights, and the Swedish Stockholms Fredsförening, which is part of the Swedish Peace and Arbitration Society. Over the course of the week we attended topical lectures, workshops, and discussions about the arms trade, militarism, and peace campaigns. We decided to share our newly gained knowledge with other volunteers, and this is why we prepared this handbook you are about to read. Although we are aware that the topic of the arms trade might be quite complicated, our goal is to help you start orientating yourself in this complex issue. We want to prove that demanding peace is not so difficult.
You can download the Handbook here (PDF, 0,3 MB)
Co-funded by the European Union and The Centre for International Cooperation in Education by the programme Erasmus +